Month: March 2008

Butterfly Marketing

Butterfly Marketing is an amazing marketing techniques everyone should learn, especially if you are involve in online marketing. You will learn about the incredible marketing strategies, tactics and small things you must do to your marketing that will have dramatic long term effect on your financial.

Page Peel Ads Script

Increase Your Monthly Sales and Earnings Higher Click Through Rates Install On Multiple Domains Rotate Multiple Ads Easy To Setup Works In Most Browsers Highly Visible and Non-Intrusive Animation Feel free to try the demo at the top-right corner of this page.

Streamyx Blocks Outgoing SMTP Port 25

The action taken was by blocking outgoing SMTP port 25 for all outgoing e-mails from dynamic IP addresses to non-Streamyx mail servers. In other words, if your company hosts its own mail server, the employees will not be able to send outgoing e-mails if they are connected from home to the office mail server via Streamyx.

How to Tunnel VNC over SSH with PuTTY on Windows XP or Windows 2000

At the prompt, type ssh-host-config -y (the “-y” option automatically answers “yes” to the three questions below) If the script asks about “privilege separation”, answer yes If the script asks about “create local user sshd”, answer yes If the script asks about “install sshd as a service”, answer yes When the script asks about “CYGWIN=”, answer ntsec To start the sshd service, open a Cygwin window and type either one of the following commands: net start sshd cygrunsrv ––start sshd To stop the sshd service, open a Cygwin window and type either one of the following commands: net stop sshd cygrunsrv ––stop sshd To harmonize Windows user information with Cygwin, open a Cygwin window and type the following commands, one line at a time: mkpasswd ––local >

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